An effective on-page optimization strategy is a must factor for making Google believe that you got a website that worth to be on top rankings, On page optimization now plays much bigger role as compare to past.
Google algorithm used to defines links as votes for a website, but now its also considering the relation between the page and link. If you got a link from an automotive information website, than the page its pointing should somehow relate to automotive topic.
On page optimization consists of many factors. Typically on page optimization refers to the way a page is designed and presented to help make it possible for search engines to crawl the page and to understand effectively what the page is about. On page optimization are tools and technique that are applied to a specific webpage to ensure Google that this is page is perfect for the topic its targeting which eventually result's in better rankings
On-page optimization covers many factors or elements, some more important than others. What is the connection between web design and search engine optimization services? A well performed on-page optimization means the most important content on your website is highlighted, making it more attractive to both potential customers and search engines. The elements helping to achieve this includes
- Keyword Research and Analysis
- Title Optimization
- Meta Tag Optimization,
- Body Text/Content Optimization
- Image Optimization
- Internal Linking Structure
Keyword Research and AnalysisKeywords are the backbone of your website. In simple wordings the terms defining your website's topic and industry can termed as
KEYWORDS. This factors determines the success or failure of your project. If you got a medical related site and the terms you are targeting are not related to your website's topic than your project can experience a miserable failure. The best strategy to extract keywords for your site is to think how could you find your website via serah engines? Which words would you use if you have been asked to get a website that is giving information about your industry or website topic. Make a list of all that terms you can think of that are definig your website industry, topic and the services you are offering. After that use some keyword Tool to validate those keywords. If you want More Detailed strategy to find keywords, Read Here :
OPTIMIZING KEYWORDSTITLE TAGThis is the tag which defines your website. Your title tag should contain your keywords. You should use a different and unique title tag for each page of your website, including the keywords you are targeting for that page.
META TAGSThere are several meta tags but important of them is only meta description tag. Keyword meta tag is not important and it can't do anything to increase your website ranking but there is no harm in using it and it should not be left blank.
Meta description tag is used to describe your site. Search Engines can use your meta description tag to show it in search engine results. Therefore your description should contain your targeted keywords for that page. Also, search engines can penalize a site if they think your site is stuffing keywords in the description tag in an attempt to rank higher. You want a realistic description for human eyes that also contains your keywords. Each Page of your website should contain unique description tag having keywords targeted for that page.
keyword Meta tag tells the spiders what keyword searches you would like to be directed to your page.Meta Keyword Tag includes the terms you are targetting for that page. It used to play a significant role in website ranking but not now.
BODY TEXT/CONTENT OPTIMIZATIONThis is the most important On Page SEO factor. The content of your body make search engines decide whether this page is related to the term its appearing for or not. You should unique content on every page of your website with keywords embedded in it. Every page should contain more than 300 words as spiders or search engine gives importance to pages having more than 300 words.
Utilizing your content is the most important thing in On Page SEO as it will decide the fate of your webpage. Use keywords in starting and ending paragraphs of the content. Use bold and underline tags. Don't do keyword stuffing in content instead use synonyms for the words you are using. Evidences prove that applying this technique increase ranking of a webpage.
Be careful the websites linking back to you must be relevant to your site content or the links will be dismissed. Duplicate content should always be avoided.
On page optimization guide is important to make sure that when your site does get crawled/viewed by search engine spiders, they pick up what you want them to pick up, there are important and good content on pages that is fresh, and the page is actually about what your titles and meta information say its about. To get some advice about your website's on page weakness you may want to try and took advantage of the exclusive free service offered here. See