Google Page Rank
Google Page Rank..the green bar on Google tool bar ranking the web page by giving it points from 10. Ever wonder what is its purpose? Why it is so important(IT IS IMPORTANT)? Why one want 10 out of 10 (OK its a real tough task nearly impossible) or want an increase in it? These and many more questions about Page Rank are constantly raised by many peoples and SEO’s too. Here is a “summary”(not the same article) of most comprehensive study originally done by smashing magazines about Google Page Rank. The most kool thing about this article are the tools that provided with the article about Page Rank. Read it and see that what you know about Page Rank till now is rite or…?
What is PageRank?
It is one of the factors that Google Use for measuring importance of a page. Moreover it has nothing to do with page quality or topic relevancy. Its only measure the importance of a page by counting how many links that page got.
“Google uses many factors in ranking. Of these, the PageRank algorithm might be the best known. PageRank evaluates two things: how many links there are to a web page from other pages, and the quality of the linking sites. With PageRank, five or six high-quality links from websites such as and would be valued much more highly than twice as many links from less reputable or established sites.”By Google Librarian Central
How Does PageRank work?
Ok this thing is still under study (obviously by SEO’s) How that things work. An equation is derived to calculate how it works or how it ranks a page. Here it is
PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + … + PR(tn)/C(tn)).
That’s the equation that calculates a page’s PageRank. In the equation ‘t1 - tn’ are pages linking to page A, ‘C’ is the number of outbound links that a page has and ‘d’ is a damping factor, usually set to 0.85.
One thing is also said that If a page got PR 10 and it got only one link on it than this link will get the wholw link juice and get a fair amount of PR too. So having a link on a page with greater Pr is important but number of links on that page is also important.
Since Google Page Rank is logarithmic in its calculation so each Page Rank level is progressively harder to reach. If it takes 10 steps to reach for PR1 than it will take 25 steps to reach for PR 2. Page rank update after every 3 or 4 months. Here is another interesting thing about Page rank is..
“PageRank is based on incoming links, but not just on the number of them. Instead PageRank is based on the value of your incoming links. To find the value of an incoming link look at the PR of the source page, and divide it by the number of links on that page. It’s very possible to get a PR of 6 or 7 from only a handful of incoming links if your links are “weighty” enough”
- Inbound Link
- Adding Pages Decrease Page Rank
- Decrease in Page Rank of Pages that have link of your website
- Links from and to high quality related sites
- Content updates don’t improve PR
- Content is not taken into account when PageRank is calculated
- Page Rank doesn’t consider site age, backlink relevancy and backlink duration.
- Wikipedia Links don’t improve Page Rank after they implemented NO FOLLOW TAG
- Listing in DMOZ and Yahoo! doesn’t give your site a special PR Bonus
- .edu and .gov-sites still contraversal
- Links marked with nofollow-attribute don’t contribute to Google PageRank.
- Links from one page to itself don’t improve Page Rank
- Bad incoming links don’t have impact on Page Rank
- Dangling links(links that point to any page with no outgoing links) don’t have impact on Page Rank.
- Efficient internal linking
- Anchor text
- Links from top ranked pages in Google
All Pages PR
All Pages PR of your website in simple text format
Page Rank From Different Data Centers
Page Rank on different 30 data centers plus genral info about website
Page Rank Calculator
A calculator to determine share of Page rank
Live Page Rank
See the Live and current Page Rank for a website.
The Myth Of NoFollow Tag
According To Wikipedia (Yeah wikipedia knows SEO too)
"nofollow is a non-standard HTML attribute value used to instruct search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's ranking in the search engine's index."
According To Google
"When Google sees the attribute (rel="nofollow") on hyperlinks, those links won't get any credit when we rank websites in our search results."
nofollow tag look like this
Many webmaster and SEO's believe the wikipedia and Google definition for nofollow tag that is nofollow tag effects a site ranking in Google Search Results. In many seo and webmaster forums we have seen a lot of debate on this issue, which always result in two conclusion. One is of course according to google point of view, that nofollow effect ranking position. But there is also some SEO who believe in somethin else. According to them NOFOLLOW only effects pagerank of a webpage and not ranking.
According to those SEO's
"The new nofollow link tag is supposed to provide webmasters with the opportunity to add a link to their website without leaking PageRank to the page they are linking to."
According to PageRank Theory
All links on a page which have some page rank got equally divided part of that pagerank to them too. This phenomena also known as Page Rank Dilution.
Here is a complete info about Page Rank: Google Page Rank
For example If a page has 4 page rank. And it contains 10 links on it of other websites than these 10 links get equally divide Page Rank Love from that page. This will increase the page rank points of those 10 pages, have their links on that page.
So what is the reality? Which theory is true and which one is false?
And yes! you may not believe it but 2nd theory is true.
It has been experimented by ME (OK I am not giving you any single detail of those experiments for the obvious reason, but sharing with you the proven result. So still I am good) and many other SEO'z too that link with nofollow tag doesn't affect a web page ranking. In fact it may count as a normal link and play its role in enhancing your ranking as number of links increases.
And since nobody caring a damn about Page Rank now days except Google itself, so these nofollow tags are pretty USELESS. For prove, you can analyze backlinks of some sites on 1st page of google and amazed to find that many of them have their links from blogs using nofollow tag. May be you can't see them for highly targeted keywords but remember Google is sorting out result manually for those keywords. Giving you a little common sense hint that if a page has 5 page rank with 100 links pointing to it from other blogs and you have a nofollow link of your website on that page, what do you think your link worth? Or lets have a fun experiment...Find an .edu blog and comment on some post of it. In NAME section put your keyword or simply put your web page url in comment. Since all blogs have nofollow tags installed automatically, so your this link is a nofollow link. After some days you can see this link as your edu backlink and an increase in your website authority.
So I am not advising you to do spam blogs via comments, but to acknowledge you that nofollow tag is only a myth and it doesn't negatively effect your ranking or its only a myth that a link with nofollow tag have no benefit.
So! Happy commenting.
Yahoo Search Gallery! Now Open For Public
Now you can chose the enhancement you want in results by choosing it from Gallery. And then you can see the refine and enhance results, custom built be developers.
They give some examples too to show how it woks.
Here is the link to original story. LINK
And Here Is the link to Yahoo Search Gallery. LINK
10 Points To Consider Before Thinking Of Doing Online Business!
No doubt there are unlimited chances that you can secure a fortune over internet but its not this easy.
Any Business needs attention and time and in E-business this becomes more important. So If you have now some knowledge of how things work over here, you need to consider the following points or follow the following 10 Points Path to have your online business on run..
- Think of the idea
- Explore The Niche/Industry Related To Your Idea
- Define The Idea..Are You Giving Service or Offering Products
- Determine Target Audience
- Try to explore There Needs
- Draw A Draft of Website Design, Layout etc
- Write a list of all the features You need foe example shipping etc
- Think of Marketing Ideas
- Determine The Budget You Need
- Write 30 days worth of content to make sure you don’t run out.